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NHASEA Lunch and Learn: The Stop Special Campaign

NHASEA Lunch and Learn:

"The Stop Special Campaign"


Join the NH Disabilities Rights Center, The NH Council on Developmental Disabilities and the Institute on Disabilities To Learn More About the “Stop Special Campaign”.

The term “special” is increasingly considered condescending and offensive by people with disabilities. Calling disabled people “special” sets them apart and implies that someone is somehow broken, less than, or deficient. 

At this Lunch and Learn, members of the NHASEA will learn more about the Stop Special campaign from Kathy Bates, advocate, disability blogger, and former kindergarten teacher and Isadora Rodriguez-Legendre, Executive Director of the NH Council on Developmental Disabilities. Bring your questions and willingness to discuss the role of language as a critical part of ensuring dignity and respect for everyone. 

This event is only available to our members.