NHASEA Lunch and Learn: Voter Toolkit
NHASEA Lunch and Learn:
Voter Toolkit
Join the UNH Institute on Disabilities (IOD) as they Share a free Voter Registration Kit for Young Adults with Disabilities
Often, part of transition planning for young adults with IEP’s is discussing the right to vote and how to register. The IOD, in collaboration with other agencies has developed a Voter Registration Kit and strategies for weaving this into transition planning. Members of the NHASEA are encouraged to invite those educators who work with young adults to attend this Lunch and Learn as we discuss the importance of voting and learn about the content of the Voter Toolkit and how to access it.
State our objective for our time together:
· to support students in understanding their voter rights and how to register
· Introductions
· Please share a few words about what you know about youth and voting or disability and voting in the chat or aloud
· What does education around the registration process currently look like for students?
· Ten minutes of going through the Voter Toolkit
· Stop for questions
· Finish the Voter Toolkit - link in the chat - can mail copies
· Legislative update for voting changes (e.g., no more affidavits)
· Did anything surprise you today? Do you have any ideas about moving this project forward?
· Share resources for youth voters