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Exhibitors - 2025 Annual Winter Conference

Join the NHASEA as an Exhibitor at our 2025 Winter Conference!


NHASEA is excited to bring forward final plans for our 2025 Annual Winter Conference and would like to invite your organization to become an exhibitor. The Annual Winter Conference attracts over 200 Special Education Administrators, Directors of Student Services, and Educators from across the State of New Hampshire. Each year conference attendees look forward to visiting with exhibitors.


2025 Exhibitor Offerings




  • NHASEA invites and encourages exhibitors to attend all sessions and functions.
  • Exhibits are not required to break down daily. It is encouraged that any personal/valuable items be removed when exhibitor is not present at table.
  • NHASEA requests that exhibitors not schedule any on or off-site receptions/social events that would conflict with any conference activities.
  • All Exhibitors must make their own reservations for hotel rooms if you are planning to stay overnight. To book an overnight hotel reservation use this link.

Protection and Liability:

Neither NHASEA nor the owners and operators of hotel or their employees will be responsible for any damage to exhibits or any loss by fire, theft, damage, delay, mechanical failure, or labor trouble which might be caused while exhibitors are utilizing such locations.

Cancellation Clause:

Exhibitors can cancel their table registration and receive a refund up to 35 calendar days before the scheduled training/conference. There will be a $50 administration fee. Exhibitors canceling on or after the scheduled training/conference, will not receive a refund. Sponsorships are non-refundable.

Please reach out to Amanda Horrocks for space inquires. 



To book an overnight hotel reservation at the Sheraton Harborside please use this link.