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Empowering Case Managers: Effective Supervision and Training Paraprofessionals

Mon, Mar 31, 2025  9:00am - 3:00pm

 Empowering Case Managers: Effective Supervision and Training Paraprofessionals 

March 31, 2025

9:00am - 3:00pm

In-Person, Concord NH


Are your teachers frustrated with their paras? Do they have the skills and tools to have an impact on para educator engagement?

This training program is designed to equip case managers with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively supervise and train paraprofessionals (paras) in delivering high-quality support to students. The focus will be on understanding evidence-based strategies, implementing fading techniques, and fostering a collaborative working relationship between case managers, classroom teachers, related service staff, and paras.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the distinct roles and responsibilities of teachers, related service professionals and paraprofessionals.
  • Develop effective communication skills for guiding and supporting paras.
  • Learn how to model and teach evidence-based instructional strategies.
  • Gain proficiency in writing, applying and teaching fading plans and techniques to promote student independence.






Attendee: $175