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About Us - NHASEA Guiding Principles

NHASEA is committed to the following guiding principles:

  • Providing high quality professional development
  • Effectively advocating for important issues relevant to the field of special education
  • Promoting the development of leaders of special education and sharing of effective professional practices
  • Serving as the professional organization that offers support, advice and the exchange of ideas and information important to leaders of special education
  • Maintaining NHASEA as a strong professional organization that consistently seeks new and innovative ways to meet member needs

Welcome to the NH Association of Special Education Administrators website.  Since its inception as a non-profit in 2004, NHASEA has grown and evolved to become a dynamic and diverse professional organization. Advancing and supporting the achievement of unique learners is the foundation of our organization; the work of NHASEA is centered around three compelling guiding priorities:

  • Professional Learning
  • Advocacy and Legislation
  • Communication and Partnerships

Feel free to reach out to me or any of our Board of Directors if you have questions or need further information.  On behalf of NHASEA we hope that you will consider membership or reach out to us for resources, support, advocacy, professional development and networking. We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event.


Jane Bergeron-Beaulieu, Executive Director
NH Association of Special Education Administrators

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