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"The Classroom Educator's Guide to Special Education...You are the MVP on the IEP Team!"

“The Classroom Educator’s Guide to Special Education…You are the MVP on the IEP Team!”


Did you know that you are one of the most valuable members of the Special Education Process? This seminar is designed to help you better understand the procedural and substantive aspects of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act as well as the vital role you play in ensuring that Districts meet their obligations to children under the IDEA.  Our goal is to leave you more comfortable with the process and better equipped to be the MVP of the IEP Team process. 

Join fellow colleagues from across New Hampshire as we take a quick trip through IDEA and the essential role that our general education teachers play in the services provided to children and youth with IEP’s. NHASEA is pleased to be working with the Attorneys from Wadleigh, Starr and Peters, PLLC in offering this unique professional learning opportunity.

Facilitators: Dean Eggert, Esquire and Alison Minutelli, Esquire - Wadleigh, Starr & Peters

Time and Date:  April 17, 2024, 2:30pm - 3:30pm - Virtual Platform

Cost: $35.00


Dean Eggert and Alison Minutelli